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No Mess, Painting Activity

We all want our children to have great sensory experiences right? But sometimes the mess involved with these sorts of activities is just too much to deal with and so we ignore sensory/messy play ideas altogether.

Well...if this is you....I have a SOLUTION!!

This activity is a GREAT way for your younger children to do a cool painting...... but MESS FREE! I work in the nursery area at preschool and trust me, this is an awesome activity.

All you need is:

- A ziplock bag (one big enough to get some paper into)

- Some paper

- Paint

Squeeze some paint onto the paper and slide it into the zip lock bag. Close it up tight and give it to your baby or toddler to manipulate. If you think they will scrunch it up, you can always tape the whole thing to a table or the floor. This way your child can easily move the paint around inside the bag, creating a masterpiece!

When they are finished, remove the painting from the bag and let it dry. Display it for all to see!

Learning Occurring through this activity:

- Mess free sensory exploration

- Creating

- Exploring colours

I hope you give it a try!

From Ash xx

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